How to find USB device in Linux

I wondered when I had to find the USB device name in Linux using shell script (shell command), it was little tricky, specially in case of UDEV. You can use different methods to get this like using udevinfo command, from sysfs, from /var/log/messages. Using udevinfo: for DEV in /dev/sd*; do udevinfo -q env -n $DEV…

More Helpful Commands in Linux

A backdrop of stars Difficulty: Easy Application: KStars You may already have played with KStars, but how about creating a KStars backdrop image that’s updated every time you start up? KStars can be run with the –dump switch, which dumps out an image from your startup settings, but doesn’t load the GUI at all. You…

Fork bomb

Can Linux crashes in just one command?

After a very nice discussion over Linux vs Windows between the group members, all the Linux & Windows supporter was trying to prove their OS better. One of the Windows supporter write a text string (can say a command) to execute in a Linux terminal, which can crash it in just one enter. WARNING!!!: DON’T…

date/time stamp in ping command

Most of you are very familiar with ping command which is most commonly used to check any network device is alive or not. A very simple and useful command. And if we can add date/time stamp in it, it will be more helpful to generate a good statistics. It is very easy in Linux without…