Remove ^M (CTRL+M) from a file in Linux

Unix and windows file formats are different. Sometime a Unix file which edit in Windows put a special character at the end of each line i.e ^M (CTRL+M). It can make that file useless sometime.

But no worry you can fix that with ease, just follow the procedure given below:

  • Open the file in vim or vi
vi myfile
  • Then press ESC key, and type
  • Remember ^M is a special character which can be generated as given in NOTE.

sed command can also be used for this as follows:

sed 's/^M//g' myfile> newfile

^M is also a special character here.

That’s all, your file is same as last.

NOTE: Hold the control key and then press v and m to get the ^M (CTRL+M) character.

2 thoughts on “Remove ^M (CTRL+M) from a file in Linux

  1. …or just run the command ‘dos2unix myfile’. (The ^M is actually a carriage return, while only line feed is needed on unix-like systems.)

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